How to Become a Freelancer

January 04, 2023 by Chad Ruppert

how to become a freelancer

It’s a new year, you’re sick of your job, and you long for the freedom that freelancers are always boasting about…but the big thing holding you back is that you don’t actually know how to become a freelancer. You’re not alone, that’s for sure. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, swarms of people have been searching for ways to increase their income and decrease their daily commute to the office. So, what about you? Can you become a freelancer this year? Let’s start with the basics.

Who Can Become a Freelancer?

Freelancing is simply the act of providing services without actually being employed. It’s a form of self-employment, meaning that you are responsible for every aspect of your career. Don’t worry, it sounds scarier than it is in reality. The truth is that anyone can learn how to become a freelancer, but if you want to learn how to become a digital freelancer and not be tied to any specific location, you’ll need digital skills that other people and businesses need.

Want some examples? Sure you do.


Freelance writers craft blog copy, sales letters, Facebook ads, website content, and more to convey a message that will resonate with paying customers.

Website/App Development

Web and app developers focus on user experience and create stunning, yet easy-to-use interfaces for businesses in just about every industry.


Everybody needs accounting, but you don't have to rent an office to provide tight accounting services that can save your clients money at tax time.

Legal Services

There are tons of ways that lawyers and paralegals can provide support to clients without meeting in person. Think contracts, negotiations, legal agreements, etc.

Editing & Proofreading

Writers write, but editors ensure the copy is free from errors and ready to publish. Any professional publication has very particular editors behind it.

Video Editing

Just about every YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram video or reel that you see has been edited and strung together by a video editor, and you can easily do this remotely.

Creative Direction

If you have a good eye for how things should look, sound, and feel, you can offer your services to brands that need strong direction for their creative content.

Game Development

Video games are getting more complex, and game developers are needed to code all the minute details, scenes, movements, and overall gameplay.

Graphic Design

Every business needs a designer, and most require ongoing support to create unique images and other assets to showcase their brands to the world.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketers promote companies and their products through a variety of mediums in order to spread their messages and increase sales.

Online Tutoring

If you're highly experienced in a specific subject, you can create a tutoring business to help others learn valuable skills, languages, and more.

Virtual Assistance

Digital decluttering, email management, appointment scheduling, and more are often handled by VAs. They're the ones who keep busy executives on their toes!


Coders and programmers create websites, apps, video games, and more, and all of it can be done with a laptop and some strong coding knowledge.


If you're an expert in just about any field, you can offer your services to help guide others toward success. Marketing consulting, business consulting—you name it.

Brand Consultancy

Brand consultants help businesses identify themselves in a way that resonates with their ideal audiences. Images, typography, logos, etc. all have rules for use.

Data Entry

From medical coding to basic bookkeeping, keeping data neat and organized is essential to achieving success in business, and can be done from anywhere.

These are just a few of the many, many skills that can be transformed into a freelance career. If you’re able to provide a service using a laptop and an internet connection, you can learn how to become a freelancer.

What Are the Requirements to Become a Freelancer?


Fast Internet

Dedicated Workspace

There are no set requirements for freelancing, but there are a few must-haves that all freelancers need in order to perform quality work for their clients:

How to Get Clients as a Freelancer

This is one of the most frequently asked questions that many struggle with when learning how to become a freelancer, but it isn’t as complicated as it may seem. The key is to know where to look for potential clients that need your services. Here are a few tips to get you going, and hopefully, to help you land your first freelance client!

Note: Remember that freelancers are problem solvers. Don't get caught up in what you think people need, but instead listen to their pain and develop a solution.

How Can I Start My Freelance Career Right Now?

The best way to get started is to create a LinkedIn profile (or update an old one) and start connecting with people in industries that you can serve. The more people you talk to, the better your chances of landing your first freelancing client. You can worry about websites and branding later, but don’t underestimate the importance of building relationships and sharing useful information with your ideal audience.

If you need a leg-up or just want some guidance and accountability, you can book a call with us to learn more about how The Nomadawhat Project can accelerate your freelance career and keep you on track for success. Each student in our program started the same way, wondering how to become a freelancer and make money online, so you’ll fit right in. We’ve been freelancing for several years ourselves, and have been able to generate a handsome full-time income year after year, working with numerous clients around the world.

Trust me—there’s nothing holding you back. Get started on your freelance journey today and enjoy a life of freedom and flexibility as a full-time freelancer!