
Discover the fulfilling purpose that will lead to more happiness, financial security, and love for the work you do

we turn everyday people into successful freelancers

You won't even have to look for clients

Chad & Rochelle will show you exactly how to create a
location-independent life using your existing digital skills

Who are Chad&Rochelle?

  • Average Canadians currently living in Mexico City
  • Full-time freelancers, travelers, and explorers
  • Self-proclaimed “power couple”
  • PADI-certified scuba divers
  • Frenchie owners (“Eggsy”)

What's The Nomadawhat Project all about?

This sweaty guy will fill you in

More time, more money, more freedom

If you’re being honest with yourself…how’s work going these days? Have you been laid off? Are you afraid of being laid off? Does your salary allow you to dream a bit? At all?

Do you simply wish there was more to life than…whatever this is?

It’s okay, your employer might track your mouse movements to promote “productivity”, but they can’t hear you think.

A lot of people are scrambling these days, trying to find purpose in their careers amidst a tidal wave of layoffs and return-to-work orders.

Do you remember when you were a teenager, waking up on a warm summer morning, before you had a job? Remember how that felt?

That’s how Rochelle and I feel when we wake up every morning.

Imagine a life where you have control over your schedule. You wake up and choose what you want to do for the day, without worrying about someone else telling you what you have to do, or where you have to go.

I know it’s traditional to have a job and show up at work every day, but that was never a good look for me.

Maybe you feel like you’re tired of it, too.

Rochelle and I started The Nomadawhat Project for that exact reason. We believe that you should be able to control your career, your time, and your income.

Freelancing enables you to pursue ultimate flexibility and design a life that fulfills you.

A life where you spend less time working and more time exploring your potential, your capabilities, and your passions.

I know what you’re thinking. You don’t know what you would do as a freelancer.

You don’t know how to get started, you don’t believe that you would be successful if you tried, and OMG what if you failed???

Our minds play nasty tricks on us sometimes, and oftentimes when we’re on the brink of something positive and exciting.

Am I making the right choice? Is the risk worth it? Can I actually take the leap?

Of course you can. You have talents and skills, things that you are really good at, and there are people out there who need what you have to offer.

Freelancing isn’t scary, it’s just a different income model than you’re used to. It’s simple B2B; you offer a service, and a company pays you for that service.

Through freelancing, Rochelle and I have achieved a sense of freedom we’ve never known before. We’ve been able to relocate to Mexico City on a permanent basis, take last-minute trips to see friends and family, and gain a worldly perspective that has changed our very souls for the better.

We couldn’t do that working 9-5, whether remote or in person. Our time wasn’t up to us.

I’m writing this to you to show you that you don’t have to remain stuck where you are forever. In fact, you’re the only one who gets to decide what you do, which is why we don’t push people into working with us.

You have to want a better life to create one

Rochelle and I are everyday people just like you, and back in 2017, we were working 9-5 jobs, too. It was awful.

We strongly desired a better life, so we pushed to create one.

It was incredibly difficult. Freelancing requires a ton of commitment in order to keep clients coming through the door.

If you’re anything like us, you probably aren’t great at staying accountable and showing up every day. Most people aren’t.

That’s why, when we started The Nomadawhat Project, we wanted to eliminate that massive roadblock and create a way for you to start a freelance business without looking for clients.

How? Simple. We’ll do it for you.

Everybody’s different, but here’s why we freelance:

The Nomadawhat Project is a done-with-you, guided implementation program that you can do at your own pace.

It’s designed to help people like you diversify their careers in order to gain more personal time, career fulfillment, and financial stability.
Our goal is to have you trade your job for high-income freelancing in 6 months.
We’ll work to achieve this by guiding and supporting you every step of the way as you create your own freelance business.
Inside the program, you’ll find:
  • Podcast-style lessons to explain freelance concepts
  • Instructions to turn your existing skills into marketable services
  • Personalized feedback to help you tweak your offer for best results
  • Weekly Q&A sessions where you can get specific answers
  • Group coaching access to get support from other freelancers
Then, once you’re ready to hit the market with your awesomely designed service…
…for the 6 months that follow….
(here it comes!)
  • We'll send connection requests to 20 potential clients each day
  • We'll send you open work opportunities that match your skills
  • We'll get you to the finish line, nomadawhat

When you join, you'll discover how to:


Fit freelancing in alongside your day job (at first) so that you aren't jumping ships without a solid plan


Harness skills that you already possess and turn them into freelance offers that can benefit other companies


Build on your offers using feedback and research so you can charge higher prices for solving larger problems


Brand yourself so that your prospective clients view you as an expert and want to learn more about your offers


Engage with prospects using conversational methods and Chad's all-powerful "anti-pitch" framework


Build a vast network of potential clients on LinkedIn that understand the value and usefulness of your services


Land clients successfully to fulfill your monthly income needs and far exceed your current income level


Leverage and implement the 3x3=9 client model to earn $100,000+ per year in your freelance business


Identify the types of clients you want to work with and how to avoid working with those who don't fit your criteria


Create boundaries for your clients to protect your personal time and separate yourself from the employee mindset


Create a supportive network of mentors, friends, and other freelancers to foster professional growth and development


Diversify your income streams to increase financial stability and minimize the impact of losing a single client or project


Establish an easy method of accessing additional funds when you need them for emergencies or spur-the-moment events


Stay motivated by setting short-term and long-term goals and celebrating milestones along the way


Create an outline for your life that takes your passions, travel plans,  and bucket list items into account


Use the time you've freed up to invest in building meaningful relationships with your spouse, your family, and your community


Travel like Chad & Rochelle and experience new cultures to gain an unmatched perspective on life and freedom

Ready to make the leap?

You'll also have access to:


Weekly Q&A sessions where you can submit questions and get thoughtful and honest feedback and advice from Chad & Rochelle


Group coaching within our Facebook group where you can gain insight from other fellow freelancers and see what strategies they're using to achieve success


Personalized feedback on your ideas, service offerings, and client questions from Chad & Rochelle

All of that alone would have saved Rochelle and me from the incredible struggles we faced throughout our journey to full-time, high-income freelancing.

But we're all about solving bigger problems, so let's get to the "but wait, there's more!" bit.

When you join
you'll also get 6 months of
done-for-you client outreach
& opportunity prospecting
through our VA service.

That means you don’t have to search for people to connect with.
We’ll do it for you.
That means you don’t have to look for freelance opportunities.
We’ll do it for you.

That means that for those 6 months, we’re actively working to help you achieve six-figure earnings.


Questions? Wishing you started this 6 months ago?

Imagine your life with


Location Independence

Working From Wherever You Desire


from the road

Buy a van, build it out, & make it yours. When you join the #VanLife movement, you can earn your living from the road.


from the water

Houseboat, sailboat, catamaran, or motor yacht? Freelancing means that you're the captain now.


from the beach

Spend your afternoons relaxing in the tropical sun with your toes in the sand. Sí, uno más por favor.


from your home

Travel isn't for everyone. Your new freelancing career can help you escape to your own oasis right at home.

Increased Flexibility

More Time for Your Loved Ones

Asset 1

for your spouse

A loving marriage requires effort. Less time working means more reconnecting with the one who means the most.


for your children

Wish you could homeschool? Become more present with your kids. Finally find out what they're so "lowkey salty" about.


for your parents

Mom and Dad gave you the greatest gift of all. Who's going to help them sign into Netflix or break the news about AI?


for your friends

Friendships can drift as we age, and maintaining them is tough. Freelancing means you can say "no" less often.

Less Career Stress

More Enjoyment in the Little Things


like relaxation

Who says you can't sleep for 10 hours? Lay in bed, lounge outdoors, or head to the spa for a head-to-toe pampering.


like spontaneity

Go scuba diving on a Tuesday morning. Run outside when it starts raining. Tune in to see Elon's team crash a rocket.


like peace

Finish work early. Spend the rest of the day doing something that centers you and gives you pause in this crazy world.


like boredom

Remember being bored? That's where all the good ideas came from. Ponder, mull, pace, or evaluate. It's refreshing.

More Money

Greater Opportunities for Life


for your home

Fix things up or buy a home that accommodates your family & lifestyle. Montenegro is nice this time of always.


for your family

Take a vacation, save for tuition, or buy everyone hilariously oversized hats. Spend on things you can do together.


for your retirement

You've always wanted to buy a boat! Okay, maybe a convertible? Retire down south and play golf in paradise?


for your legacy

Start a trust and give your next generation a financial leg-up. You can't exactly take it with you, after all.

You can design your future.

We didn’t want this to be “just another course” that you’d buy and never finish. There are too many of those out there, and it doesn’t bring fulfillment to the buyers or the sellers.

Our purpose and fulfillment come as a result of an energetic and engaged community of freelancers all living better lives that they control.

The longer you wait to take action in your life, the more time you potentially waste.

But if you’re ready to craft your future so that it can include the experiences that you desire most, book a call and have a chat with us.

It’s free, and we’ll use the time to see if The Nomadawhat Project is a good fit for you.

We can’t push you into it, though. Again, you gotta want it. There’s no shame in living a more simple life, but humans have an inherent need to accomplish goals and tackle problems.

There’s more fulfillment when you choose the road less traveled.

Anyway, we’ll leave it at that. Rochelle, can you put one more call button in here for them?

Thanks. And thank YOU for reading. Honestly, Rochelle and I are pretty darn fun to hang around, and we’d love to welcome you to this project, this movement to generate a better life, nomadawhat it takes.

To your freedom and success,


The Nomadawhat Project


It isn’t always easy to take a leap of faith, but the best investment you can make is a bet you place on yourself. We burned the boats to make this happen, but you’ll have endless support from two regular people who decided that life is beautiful and worth fighting for. When you do jump ship into the world of freelancing and decide to work less and live more, we’ll be right there to catch you.

Still not sure ifThe Nomadawhat Project is right for you?

Read Our FAQs to Find Out More

If your job requires you to work on a computer with an internet connection, it’s very likely that you can turn those skills into a freelance business.

If you see yourself on this list, you can definitely freelance:

  • Copywriters
  • Content writers
  • Graphic designers
  • Illustrators
  • Animators
  • Website/app developers
  • Notion developers
  • ​Game developers
  • ​Digital marketers
  • Marketing managers
  • ​Creative directors
  • ​Brand consultants
  • General ​consultants
  • ​Accountants/bookkeepers
  • Client success managers
  • Paralegals & legal services
  • UI/UX designers
  • Editors & proofreaders
  • ​Coders & programmers
  • ​Video & media editors
  • Software specialists
  • Sales professionals
  • Account managers
  • ​Data entry workers
  • ​Virtual assistants
  • ​Online tutors

If you’re capable of pondering that question, then you ARE good enough. Your skills are valuable, and so are you. With some effort and support from your trusty Nomadawhat freelance community, you’ll have what it takes to become a successful high-income freelancer. I mean it—if we had a dollar for every time we felt that we weren’t good enough, we wouldn’t need our own clients or this program!

We’ve structured this program so that it can take as little as 5 hours per week—5 hours to change your life ain’t bad, right?

Flexibility is the key, which is why this is entirely “work at your own pace”. We’ll be there to help and provide guidance wherever you’re at with it, and the VA service doesn’t start until you’re ready.

We believe that if you follow the program and implement the strategies, concepts, and feedback that we provide, you can achieve full-time income in 6 months. If you wish to continue the service afterward to continue landing new clients, you can do so for an additional fee (we haven’t pinned that down just yet, but it would be a fraction of the income you would bring in as a result—think of it like a subscription that just keeps delivering value).

You don’t. But you know that what you’re doing now isn’t working, so at least with this you have the odds in your favor. We’ll be doing our best to make sure that you succeed, and if you follow the steps we lay out, there’s little reason why you wouldn’t succeed.

Books and restaurants get reviews. A program like this will gain testimonials as time goes on, but they don’t necessarily apply to your specific situation. Everyone is different, and therefore everyone’s results will vary. We know that this works because we’ve done it ourselves, and if you trust that and believe that we can help you, we won’t let you down.

Just as colleges and universities don’t guarantee you’ll land a job, we can’t either. This is an investment in your career, and your success depends on whether you show up and do the work involved, just like in school. As a result, and due to the done-with-you nature of the program, we cannot offer a financial guarantee.